
Meet Katy

Master Life Coach

As a child, I told my family that if I had kids, I would adopt because there were so many children in the world who needed a home that it wasn’t fair to have my own. Even then I knew somehow that my life was more than just about me, and I was already thinking globally. I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth: Aspen Colorado. And I want to share with you that my deepest desire is for everyone to feel as blessed and content with their lives as I do. I love where I live and I love what I do! Much of my personal life is spent enjoying the great outdoors.

I am a Master Life Coach, co-owner of a coaching company, and Executive VP of the Luminaries division. I work with people from all over the world. I have co-authored 3 books, The Luminaries Project, Innovation Secrets, and Inspiring Children’s Stories, all available now. I am also a public speaker and founder and CEO of Pualani Oil Organic Vegan skin care. One of my missions is to create peace on the planet by teaching self empowerment. For many years I have said, the greatest gift you can give the world is to become the best version of yourself.

Through my extensive travels, and after traveling to India to speak at the Women’s Economic and Empowerment Forum, it became very clear to me that on a global level most people struggle with a lack of self worth, which then translates to a lack of self empowerment. Following that comes poor choices made based on the above. Our inherent need is to be loved and accepted for who we are by others, so we need to begin with ourselves. My work as a coach is to shift this as quickly as possible so my clients are living the amazing lives they are destined to have. I use a technique called SRT. I discover the emotions that are stored in the subconscious that are not serving my clients and release the triggers that are associated with them so they can shift and soar to their highest achievements! From all my studies, this has proven to be the most effective and quickest path. It profoundly changed everything about my life and is the reason why I do this work.

When each person on the planet is self empowered, they make better choices, for themselves, their business life, their families, and how they function in society. This shifts the vibration globally. I know my path; I invite you to think about what your desires are and how you would like your life to shift. What impact are you having in your life? For yourself, your family?

If you are ready to level yourself up, I would be honored to assist you on your journey.

Become the best, highest version of yourself!